Welcome to
Okehampton Simmons Bowling Club
We are a small friendly club of approximately 70 playing members, situated in the heart of Okehampton, in the beautiful Simmons Park.
We have teams in various leagues for both men and women including:
- two teams in the Men’s Over 60s League
- ladies’ teams in both the Over 50s League and the Exeter ’86’ Shield Competition
- two teams in the Exeter Triples League which involves both ladies and men players.
There is also a full programme of friendly fixtures throughout the season.
In addition, weather permitting, there are:
- Tuesday afternoon roll-up sessions (2pm — 4pm)
- Saturday morning coaching sessions (10.30am — 12 noon).
Club members and non-members, including absolute beginners contemplating
taking up bowling, are most welcome to join us for these sessions.
Saturday morning sessions will recommence Saturday 20th April 2024 at 10.30.
Click here to find out about our FREE coaching sessions.
The Club also hosts an evening pub league in aid of charity.
Club fees for the 2024 Season are:
Beginners Membership (First year) – £25.00
Experienced players and Second- and Subsequent-year Membership – £72.00
Social (non-playing) Membership – £10.00
If you are Interested in joining the club please contact any of the Officers.
Membership can be paid:
by Card or BACS
for details, please contact the Club Treasurer
or by Cheque
made payable to “Okehampton Simmons Bowling Club”. (In full please, the bank does not accept abbreviations.)
Every effort is made to ensure that the information given on the Okehampton Simmons Bowling Club website is correct at the time of publication and that the information given accurately describes the services and facilities offered by the club. However, from time-to-time details do change meaning that certain information may not be entirely accurate if it is waiting to be updated on the website.
Privacy Policy
The Okehampton Simmons Bowling Club website does not capture or store personal information. Any information received by the club is for use solely to communicate with members. Members’ information is not passed on to any third party. Please view the ‘Privacy’ page for full details.