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Club Finals Weekend 24th – 26th August

Ladies’ Championship

more photos to follow

John, Tilley 2-wood
Alan and James, Men’s Pairs
Maria, Ladies’ Handicap
Nigel, Non-Winner’s Cup and Over-60s Cup
Brian, A J Newcombe, Mixed Singles
John W and Viv N, Mixed Pairs
Maria, Kath and Jean (not in photo) Ladies’ Triples
John M, Tim and Jean (not in photo), Mixed Triples
Marian and Janet (not in photo), Ladies Pairs
Viv K, Ladies’ 2-wood and Ladies’ Championship
Alan, 100-up, Men’s Handicap and Men’s Championship

Torrington Mixed Triples Competition – Saturday 17th August

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Sunday 11th August — Shield Competition

This is the third year that the competition for the Mixed Triples Shield has been held, with Okehampton winners in 2023 and Bradworthy in 2022.

Okehampton’s team
Bradworthy’s Captain, Peter Wade, presents the Shield to Holsworthy

Sunday 5th May Mayor’s Charity Day

Unfortunately the sun refused to shine for the Mayor’s Charity Day, and despite playing on in pouring rain, the games outside had to be abandoned at lunchtime. However the day was enjoyed in good spirit and raised funds for the Mayor’s Charities.

Green Surround Progress

A frosty January morning, and the composite boarding for the green surround is delivered from Cladco. Defying the cold, it was soon unloaded in readiness for installation.

As usual, behind the scenes, teas and coffees were supplied to the gallant workers.

And the first panels are soon in place.

Work on the Green Surround

The new green surround is now under construction and progressing well. The side nearest the garden has been shuttered and concreted, and the side closest to the car park has had all the concrete slabs removed and ready to be dug out and shuttered, in preparation to be concreted.

The three new sides will then be clad with a plastic composite cladding, which is totally rot proof, and then artificial grass will be attached to the cladding, to give a similar finish as before.

All of these new rot-proof materials, will replace the wooden boarding and soil, that, after years of Okehampton rain, had become completely rotten and finally disintegrated causing the ditch to collapse.

With this in mind this should be a one-off job and should never need replacing.

Ladies’ Christmas Lunch

The ladies had a good start to December with their Christmas lunch at the London Inn in Okehampton.

Sue presents Kay with a much-deserved

‘Most Improved Player’ Award.

Arthur’s Seat

Linda Griffiths with John Mansell (Club President).
Also pictured are committee members Barrie Cook and Bob Newton,
and Alan Mathias (Club captain)
The inscription on the seat reads:
Treasured Memories of Arf (Arthur) Griffiths — “Live What You Love”

Presentation of the Memorial Seat, in memory of Arthur Griffiths, who sadly passed away on 23.03.23.

The seat was donated by Linda Griffiths, Arthur’s wife, and presented to the Club on November 13th 2023.

The seat is made of recycled plastics and is completely maintenance-free.

Earlier in the year, Linda also generously presented the club with the Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup.

The first Mixed Pairs competition to win the trophy was held on September 24th 2023 when it was won by Iris Gill and James Burdus, with Maria and Jon Randall worthy runners-up.

North Devon Ladies Triples League


County Unbadged Pairs Final 2023

Viv Kirkland and Sue Hunt won the Ladies Unbadged County Pairs  Final on a wet day in September.  Congratulations ladies, another successful year for the Ladies of Okehampton.

County Honours for Okehampton Bowlers 


It’s not often that Bowlers from Okehampton Simmons Bowls Club get to receive their County Badge , but 2 of the men have done just that . 

Alan Matthias – Club Captain and Tony Hunt recently travelled to St Austell to receive their badges having accumulated enough points from County Competitions.

Alan started his bowls journey playing for a pub side in the Club Pub League that raises money for local charities . Then 14 years ago, he was persuaded to join the club and has won many trophies at the club since then .  Tony only started bowling 7 years ago but has now gone onto be one of the clubs best bowlers .

Sunday 30th April

The Centenary Celebrations continue

Re-Enactment of the first game played a 100 Years ago on Okehampton Simmons Bowling Green between Tavistock, Barnstaple (Ashleigh Road) & Okehampton 2023


Okehampton was very fortunate to have a wealthy benefactor, Mr Sydney Simmons, who provided funds to buy and design Simmons Park and additional funds to build both the tennis courts and the bowling green on the understanding that the work be done by unemployed men of the town. Just over 100 years ago the first game of bowls was played. It was a day of great celebration with the band playing and children’s games taking place in the park. Today, we have very loosely replicated that game. Back then Barnstable Bowling Club played Okehampton beating them handsomely 51 shots to 18. I hasten to add Barnstable did have at least one international player. Tavistock Bowling Club then gave an exhibition match.

The annual subscription was 2 shillings and 6 pence – 12 ½ p in new money and the members were made up of men, white-collared workers, shopkeepers and councillors and rinks was the order of the day. Games were played in the evenings, Saturdays and Wednesdays this being half day closing. A motion was put to the council to play on Sundays, this was rejected, with even the President of the bowls club, a councillor, voting against it. Sundays were for religious observance and even the children’s swings in the park were tied up on Sundays.

There was a Pavilion in the park where the bandstand is now situated but the members under the guidance of Mr Lobb laboured for many months to build the present clubhouse which was opened in 1983.

Coming up to the present, the clubhouse, due to the generosity of Stan Cousins, is to be extended to improve the changing facilities.

Thank you for coming today to help us celebrate 100 years and long may bowls continue.


Unbadged County Pairs 2022

Janet Griffiths and Jean Hutchings won the ladies unbadged county pairs in September taking the honours on a lovely sunny day.