Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup
A great way to finish the outdoor Bowling Season
Congratulations to James and Iris, the first winners of the newly presented Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup, presented by Lin Griffiths.
Well done to Jon & Maria our runners-up and a great afternoon, well organised by Andy our Vice Captain.
This competition marks the end of the season and the closing of the green for the winter.
County Unbadged Pairs Final 2023
Viv Kirkland and Sue Hunt won the Ladies Unbadged County Pairs Final on a wet day in September. Congratulations ladies, another successful year for the Ladies of Okehampton.
County Honours for Okehampton Bowlers
It’s not often that Bowlers from Okehampton Simmons Bowls Club get to receive their County Badge , but 2 of the men have done just that .
Alan Matthias – Club Captain and Tony Hunt recently travelled to St Austell to receive their badges having accumulated enough points from County Competitions.
Alan started his bowls journey playing for a pub side in the Club Pub League that raises money for local charities . Then 14 years ago, he was persuaded to join the club and has won many trophies at the club since then . Tony only started bowling 7 years ago but has now gone onto be one of the clubs best bowlers .
At the end of August Okehampton Simmons Bowling Clubs Pub League came to a conclusion, after a very close season it was shot difference that decided the winners which were the London Inn. Organiser Roger Pedrick presented the shield to the winning team here on the left, are left to right: Chris Back, Gary McCallen, Simon Chudley and Scott Hooper (Reserves Jamie Mallet, Sammie Diaz and Ian Gill).
The winners of the Wooden Spoon were the London Ladies who give their all every time they play and were delighted to win something at the end of the season, all be it the Wooden Spoon. Well done ladies.
Thanks to all teams who took part and helped the club raise in excess of £1,000 for charity, which this year will be Hospiscare Home Care. There will be a presentation at the Club’s AGM on 17th November 2023.
Ben Pook Cup 19th August 2023
What a lovely day it turned out to be, Andy Smith organised a new format for the Ben Pook Cup and it was lovely to hear so much laughing. A tie-break between Bob Newton and Tony Hunt was needed to decide the winner for the day, with Tony Hunt coming out the winner. Well done everyone on a good bowling day.
Torrington Open Day 12th August 2023
Three teams from Okehampton went to the Torrington Open day where the weather was a day of two halves, it was either raining or sunny. The bowls were a little of the same but one team, John Mansell, Kath Mansell and Sue Hearne played really well despite the weather and came 2nd. Well played in difficult conditions. The picture shows the team with Christina from Torrington who organised the open.
Presidents Day 2023
A very successful Presidents Day on May 20th, when 36 Members played 18 ends of mixed Ladies and Gents Triples in perfect weather conditions, members enjoyed a welcome Glass of Pimm’s and an Ice cream at half time which was followed at the end of the match by a very well deserved Cream Tea.
The Winning teams were presented with prizes very generously donated by The Dorset Bowls Resort, Nr Bere Regis, Dorset, who also Donated a generous sum of money to the Hospiscare Charity.
Many Local Businesses also donated items that were Auctioned, these were a Afternoon Tea for two, generously given by Adam & Laura Mounts at Strawberry Fields, Lifton, A Sunday Lunch for two from Mike and Sarah at The White Hart Inn at Bridestowe and our Vice Captain, Andy Smith your Local Business Handyman, Gave Himself as a Slave for a free days Labour, gardening, painting, cleaning or cooking a meal etc.
Special thanks to all our Members, Helpers, Guests and Friends who all contributed to make the afternoon such a Memorable and successful occasion and helped to raise a Grand Sum of £547-50 in aid of the Okehampton Hospiscare@Home. Pictured presenting the cheque to Hospiscare@home is club president and Hon Treasurer along with Heather Jones and Sharon from Hospiscare.
Sunday 30th April
The Centenary Celebrations continue
Re-Enactment of the first game played a 100 Years ago on Okehampton Simmons Bowling Green between Tavistock, Barnstaple (Ashleigh Road) & Okehampton 2023
Okehampton was very fortunate to have a wealthy benefactor, Mr Sydney Simmons, who provided funds to buy and design Simmons Park and additional funds to build both the tennis courts and the bowling green on the understanding that the work be done by unemployed men of the town. Just over 100 years ago the first game of bowls was played. It was a day of great celebration with the band playing and children’s games taking place in the park. Today, we have very loosely replicated that game. Back then Barnstable Bowling Club played Okehampton beating them handsomely 51 shots to 18. I hasten to add Barnstable did have at least one international player. Tavistock Bowling Club then gave an exhibition match.
The annual subscription was 2 shillings and 6 pence – 12 ½ p in new money and the members were made up of men, white-collared workers, shopkeepers and councillors and rinks was the order of the day. Games were played in the evenings, Saturdays and Wednesdays this being half day closing. A motion was put to the council to play on Sundays, this was rejected, with even the President of the bowls club, a councillor, voting against it. Sundays were for religious observance and even the children’s swings in the park were tied up on Sundays.
There was a Pavilion in the park where the bandstand is now situated but the members under the guidance of Mr Lobb laboured for many months to build the present clubhouse which was opened in 1983.
Coming up to the present, the clubhouse, due to the generosity of Stan Cousins, is to be extended to improve the changing facilities.
Thank you for coming today to help us celebrate 100 years and long may bowls continue.
Unbadged County Pairs 2022
Janet Griffiths and Jean Hutchings won the ladies unbadged county pairs in September taking the honours on a lovely sunny day.
On a lovely and warm September late afternoon, early evening, the Okehampton Simmons Bowling club held the final of the pub and club competitions.
Winners of the Shield ( Cup ) were the Muppets, from left to right are Steve Cook, Martin Letchford, Paul Nosworthy and John Donovan.
The winners of the League were the team DIY, pictured having a celebration drink from left to right are Steve Mills, Arthur Griffiths, Ian Priestly and Mick Hatch.
Club organiser Roger Pedrick said, “It’s been a good season, also the weather has been great and we raised in excess of £1000 for our Charities (Hospiscare & Devon Air Ambulance), which we will present to them at our AGM in November.”
Thanks to all teams that took part this year.

Ladies Shield Winners 2022
The ladies at Okehampton Simmons Bowls Club have had a successful season winning their division. They were presented with the Shield Trophy at the annual AGM for the ’86 Shield and Top Club held on Thursday 8th September in Okehampton.